Look around you. If you?re on land, you are in real estate. It is ubiquitous and indispensable. For most businesses, it is the largest or second-largest asset on the books; yet, because it is everywhere, real estate is easy to take for granted. And because it affects everyone?customers, employees, investors, regulators, neighbors?real estate is not easy to manage.

A company?s portfolio of real estate holdings should be more valuable to the enterprise than the sum of its individual sites. To ensure this, executives need a high-level view of their real estate situation, which they won?t get from the site-by-site analysis that is generally the focus of internal staffs and systems. Executives need a ?snapshot? of the company?s footprint: the locations, the land and building types, the utilization and condition of major facilities, the lease terms and operating costs, and the financial and environmental risks. Leaders also need a dynamic, moving picture of where corporate strategy is driving their real estate holdings and of how the footprint could change depending on the route they take. When they compare the snapshot?tables, maps, and photos?with the ?movie,? made up of robust scenarios of a company?s known and potential needs, the analysis will probably reveal some misalignments. The company may have too much space in one location and too little in another, or the wrong kind of space in certain areas. The analysis will also show which leases are expiring and when, their amounts and costs over time, and how the locations and sequence of expirations could complicate, or even block, future actions.
Armed with these insights, a leader can take advantage of portfolio opportunities that a site-by-site analysis will not reveal. For example, offices that do not need to be downtown can be relocated to less costly (though not necessarily distant) submarkets. Redundant facilities can be sold, subleased, or vacated.

The portfolio approach is especially important when a company is going through a major change, such as a merger, an acquisition, or a divestment. Rationalizing an organization?s real estate?that is, matching space and facilities (supply) to strategic and operational needs (demand)?can be as important as rationalizing the workforce. The process of equating supply and demand, physically, financially, and operationally, often involves relocations, closures, and dispositions. WPP Group, the global advertising and communications giant, captured a $100 million windfall by promptly selling the Tokyo building of J. Walter Thompson after acquiring the agency. And when divestments loom, real estate is often the most visible and valuable asset?witness Bear Stearns, whose Wall Street building was its principal asset when the firm collapsed.

Portfolio analysis can also inform leaders about a property?s costs and uses over time. The total costs of operating and maintaining a facility during its useful life (typically around 50 years) can be many times the original costs of building or renovating it. Taking a portfolio view allows for better planning of maintenance spending and of the timing of building subleases and sales. By comprehending this life cycle holistically, leaders can anticipate?and possibly avert?project-level actions that compromise portfolio-wide gains. For example, a business unit might lease additional space to accommodate growth or a reorganization, unaware that another unit has vacant space in a nearby building the company owns; or an executive might make expensive headquarters alterations while more junior managers are pursuing cost reductions.

Caveat: Beware the shadow portfolio.

As companies strive to reduce costs through outsourcing, they should keep in mind their indirect responsibility for facilities that house outsourced functions. Workers at those sites may not be company employees, but their productivity depends heavily on the location and configuration of facilities. In addition, companies can be subject to stakeholder activism and even legal action if workplace health and safety standards aren?t met. Companies that have outsourced a significant portion of their functions?Citigroup and Nike, for example?have found themselves with substantial de facto portfolios that must be managed as adroitly as the real estate they hold directly.

This article is written by Mahlon Apgar, He advises leaders of corporations and governments on real estate and is a former partner of The Boston Consulting Group. This is taken from his HBR article.

By Karun Varma

As the India lead for Office Business at DLF, I am leading the leasing domain and expansion plans for DLF’s office assets. Currently with a span of over 40 million sq.ft. and growing, this portfolio represents tenants that list in the Fortune 500 global companies. At DLF, we prioritize tenancy services, underpinned by rigorous measures and processes, affirming our status as an unmatched leader in the industry. My goal is to grow the portfolio and continuously improve our service levels. With over 25 years in the services sector and a significant tenure in property consulting, my journey has been marked by stints at renowned firms like Jones Lang LaSalle and Cushman and Wakefield (formerly DTZ). My tenure at JLL and C&W was characterized by consolidation and growth across various service lines, particularly in South India region. My passion lies in driving business growth and enhancing client experience.

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